
Sunday, June 19, 2011

I'm a Winner!

Last week I wandered over to Tommie's Tools through the Creative Teaching Press website. If you haven't been on either site before, you need to check them out. CTP is my favorite site for decor for my classroom and I'm a little bit addicted to their Poppin' Patterns collection. Tommie's blog is full of great ideas for using CTP's products in the classroom. She's got plenty of neat ways to use items in new and unique ways (many of which I'm not sure I'd have come up with). Anyway, last week on Tommie's Tools she was having a contest to win cute library pockets... All you had to do was submit an idea on how you use them in your classroom. So, here are two of the the pictures that I submitted.

I use library pockets for two primary purposes in my classroom. The first is for the students' library cards and bookmarks. I usually mount this chart on the door for easy access as the students come and go from the library. The second way I use the pockets is to take lunch count. Each child has their own pocket and I have labeled index cards with the four lunch choices at our school-- hot, other, milk, and cold. Each morning the kids come in and stick the card in their pocket with their preferred choice sticking up. It's a quick and easy way to take lunch count.

It ended up that everyone who submitted ideas won, so I've got two packages of library pockets headed my way! Here are the ones I'm getting: Poppin' Patterns Library Pockets.

So, how do you use library pockets? Any new and exciting ideas anyone wants to share?

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Comments make me smile! :)