
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random Thursday Ramblings...

As I was filling in dates in my new planner the other day, I realized that in LESS than a month, I will be back to work. Our kids start back on August 16th and I'll be reporting for inservices the week before.

This is bittersweet to me... I love summer. I love sleeping in and waking up whenever I please. I love going and working out during the day when its less crowded. I love having the freedom to go shopping or out to lunch with friends during the day. I love watching 80s videos on VH1 Classic and watching old sitcoms.

I also love my job. I've always said that one of my favorite things about teaching is that I get a fresh start every August. If I don't like the way I did things last year, I can change it! I love seeing how my students grow over the course of the school year. I love the staff and the families that are a part of my school and having the opportunity to build relationships with such great people.

I will also admit, I am very anxious about this upcoming school year. My school is undergoing A LOT of changes with staff this year-- new principal, 3rd grade, 5th grade, music, library, special ed, etc. (And, second semester this year I will be welcoming my first full-time student teacher!) I know in a lot of schools that's not out out of the ordinary to have that much change, but I teach in a school where NOBODY wants to leave! Most of this change was due to staff retiring. Thankfully, one of our third grade teachers was hired to be our new principal... A huge answer to prayer because I know he's going to be an awesome principal
! I'm actually very excited for all of the changes (in a good way), but there's also that fear of the unknown that comes along with all of the change. While I'll still be in the same classroom, teaching the same grade level, there will be a lot of new people and things going on around me.

Well, there's my little rambling for the day... I think I'm actually going to try to go into my building tomorrow to get a few things done, and if I plan to do that I need to get some things done at home today. Between family stuff, vacations, friends visiting I realized I don't actually have a lot of days to work on school stuff before crunch time!

Happy Thursday!

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