
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Need some inspiration?

I took a week or so off from blogging for a much anticipated summer vacation. I usually prefer to go on vacation earlier in the summer so that I can focus on getting school stuff done right now, but this year it just didn't work out that way. Anyway, while I was away I spent time with my college roommate who is also a teacher. She was changing schools, so I offered a helping hand while I was there for a visit. While her classroom wasn't quite finished, I snapped some photos to share. She is probably one of the most organized people I know and her classroom is a great example of this. I really do believe that an organized teachers leads to (hopefully) organized students. I know from my own experience having that structure and getting the kids started with a good system from the start makes a world of difference. I know I was inspired by working in her classroom to get mine in shape!

As a side note, I have to say that I wish my classroom could look this nice! I AM SO JEALOUS OF HER WALL SPACE!!! If you've look at the pictures of my classroom you can easily see that I have virtually no wall space to work with and I that I have to get creative with how I use the space in my classroom. It sometimes drives me crazy that I seemingly have stuff all over my room, but I've just settled upon the fact that I have to work with what I've got, even if it's not what I would pick!

Okay, enough with my rambling... Here are the pics. Remember, this isn't my classroom and it wasn't quite complete when I was visiting. (Her bulletin boards are still pretty bare in these photos.)
Reading corner... As with the ones in my classroom, the chair and rug are leftovers from our college dorm days. Yay for reusing items! This is also a great time of year to get great deals on that kind of stuff.
Student book bins for the Daily 5. These are the bins that are currently at Target. I use the same bins for extra student supplies so that their desks don't get as cluttered.
See what I mean about her wall space?!? Oh, I don't know what I'd do with that much wall space! She's used the same fabric for 4 years in all of her classrooms! Don't you love the bright colors?
I'm also insanely jealous of this cabinet space! Isn't that wonderful? I would love to hide my stuff behind those doors!
Another good example of easy and cheap organization for working with groups and running centers.
I'm in love with those colorful drawers. I have the single tower organizer and use them for my daily copies. I love this double one with the larger drawers.


Well, there you go! I am hoping to have pics of my finished classroom up within the next week or so. I returned to town and went in to work on my own classroom yesterday only to find out that the air conditioning unit for MY classroom has DIED! I worked in my hot classroom for nearly 6 hours yesterday, but I was so hot and tired I feel like I got very little accomplished. Today my allergies were acting up, I was exhausted from running around and traveling for a week, and with no A/C in my room I knew today would be a good day to take it easy. We are hoping things will be fixed within the next day or so and I will get back in to finish things up.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I used to have a wall like that with 6 bulletin boards, but it was a folding wall that connected my room to the one next door. It was definitely awesome but a lot of work! If you don't have a lot of wall space, there's always the ceiling! If your school isn't strict about fire safety, you can hang clotheslines or use paper clips to hang things.
    Miss B, Busy Bee

  2. Wow, I LOVE that pink section of your wall! It really catches my eye!

  3. I absolutely love your classroom! It's so bright and welcoming. I am joining your blog and would love for you to follow mine. Come visit my blog


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