
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fashion Week Day 5: Polyvore

I promised you the other day that I'd tell more about Polyvore. I discovered Polyvore through Pinterest over the summer and let me tell you, it's so much fun! I love the fact that sites like these replace the old practice of cutting out pics from magazine and that you can have all sorts of inspiration online right at your fingertips!

First, let me explain how Polyvore works. Basically you create a "set" by searching for items that your would like to put on an idea page together. I've only done outfit sets, but you can also do set of home decor items. I usually keep mine pretty simple, but if you get onto the site and explore you can see that some people do quite a bit on their sets.

First, let me introduce you to my Polyvore page. One there you can see all of the sets that I've created.

One fun thing about Polyvore is that you can create outfits of items from pretty much anywhere. I think it's fun creating sets out of items that I own or that are close to what I own. It's also fun to create sets of things of things that I'd never actually wear or be able to afford. It's just fun to put a whole look together and see what unique combinations you come up with. If you find others on there that have sets you like you can choose to follow them (kind of like Pinterest).

I like Polyvore for it's inspiration. Like I said, I discovered it through Pinterest because a lot of people pin sets. There are so many more awesome outfit ideas on the site itself. There have been quite a few times I search for an item I own and then create a set based on that item. You can also explore sets other people have created with the same items. Bought a new shirt and aren't quite sure how to wear it? Search for it on Polyvore and see what others have come up with!

Here's an example of a top that I picked up at J. Crew earlier in the year. I searched for it on Polyvore and got all sorts of outfit ideas.

This lace tank from AE was another great find, but something I wasn't totally sure how I'd style. Polyvore to the rescue! (Ironically, most of the pics pair it with a plaid AE shirt I picked up on a separate shopping trip... I would have never thought to pair the two!)

Get the idea?

I've shared a few of my Polyvore creations based on my real outfits with you already this week, but I wanted to leave you with another creation today. I made this one over the summer when I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of fall. It's based on a few items I actually own. Enjoy!

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