
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Ramblings...

Today would probably qualify as one of the longest school days ever. It started yesterday with me staying at school until 7 p.m. preparing for our literacy walk-throughs today. I got into a very motivated mindset and just kept working on stuff and cleaning my classroom from top to bottom. They ended up not even coming to my room today, but I had a meeting during my plan time and had to leave my room midway through reading work stations to go see a model lesson in another classroom. Then this afternoon we had our big fund raiser party, followed by recess duty, bus duty, and then an hour of after-school tutoring. Add that onto the emotional worry of one coworker having surgery today and news that another was in a bad car accident on the way to work this morning, I can safely say it was a draining day. (Thankfully both are okay!)

Do you ever have those days that just don't seem to end?

This was definitely one of those days.

On a happier note, tomorrow is Friday and I have a weekend of relaxing ahead of me. Next week is going to be a breeze compared to the last few and I am hoping that I'll be able to get "caught up" on some blog posts that I've wanted to do. I've also snagged a very small part-time job for Thanksgiving weekend to bring in a few extra bucks for Christmas and some sweet discounts. Yes, I'm going to work on one of my days off. Crazy, huh? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be worn out (I'm planning on hitting up some sales before going in to work at 6:45 a.m.), but I think it's gonna be fun to do something different for a change!

Speaking of working... I do plan on working on blogging!

Here are a few topics I'm thinking about blogging about in the (hopefully near) future... What do you want to hear about from me?
  • Literacy work stations
  • Math centers
  • Classroom organization
  • Whole group reading block
  • Assessment prep
  • ???

1 comment:

Comments make me smile! :)