
Monday, December 19, 2011

Casual Monday

We only have 2 days with kids this week, plus one work day, and then my Christmas break begins! It rained ALL day long and the weather is turning more severe with sleet and snow... All I wanted to do today was come back home to my comfy couch and my warm, cozy sweats!

Part of me is hoping for a snow day tomorrow. 1.) I prefer snow days before Christmas break so that it doesn't interfere with state assessment prep. 2.) I HATE driving across town to work in bad weather. 3.) I really enjoy sleeping in and wearing sweats. 4.) It's not like any learning is going to happen on the last day before Christmas break anyway. 5.) Maybe I could get some work done here at home.

I'm not holding my breath for a snow day, or even a delay. I saw on Facebook that some of my teacher friends a few hours away have already had school called for tomorrow, but I don't know how their weather compares to ours. I honestly should be in bed right now since I have a feeling my commute is going to be a bit long tomorrow, but I've already been on a bad sleep schedule for a few weeks now.

Anyway, I wanted to share my "casual Monday" work outfit from today. It wasn't an official jeans day, but during weeks like this it's pretty much assumed we're going to dress down a bit. I bought this blazer a few weeks ago at American Eagle with my employee discount, sale, and coupon. I've been really into fashion blogs lately and blazers are all over the place, but until now I really had never found one that fit right and was an acceptable price for me. I think this outfit is the perfect mix of casual and still dressy / professional.

Anyway, if you're still working this week, I wish you the best with these last few days with your students. If you're not a teacher, I wish you the best with whoever you work with and hope that they don't drive you nuts. (I seem to forget that not everyone in the world gets 2ish weeks off work for Christmas break...)

1 comment:

  1. I left you a lil' award..check out teaching
    love your blog!


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