
Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry After Christmas

I wasn't really online much in the past couple days, so I neglected to wish everyone a merry Christmas!  I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends.  And, since most of you are teachers as well, I hope that you enjoy the rest of your time off work.

I have quite the "to do" list for my break...  I cleaned and organized my bedroom closet on my first day off and am soon going to attempt the basement closet / bedroom.  I know I'm going to be moving this summer and I'm not sure where yet, so I am trying to weed out extra clutter!  (I'm 90% sure I will be downsizing for at least a year while I save money to buy a house!)  I have piles all over with things to take to resell, donate to Goodwill, or give to my mom to try.  

All of this cleaning has really motivated me to do the same in my classroom!  I started some of that before break, but I think that is going to be one of my big classroom projects this semester.  It's amazing how much you can accumulate in 5 years of teaching!  I think that is one slight disadvantage to staying in the same school / classroom for long periods of time--  I've never been forced to weed through things hard core!  

So, here is my winter break to do list:

  • Clean and organize clothes
  • Donate, sell, and get rid of stuff I don't wear or need anymore
  • Create state assessment prep quizzes
  • Create comprehension posters for my classroom (thanks, Pinterest)
  • Organize seasonal decor
  • Print out folder games and other activities I've been saving from Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers
  • Update my class website on Shutterfly
I tried going shopping today, but really didn't have much success with the after Christmas sales...  Two Targets and I left both empty-handed.  I think it's because last year I bought everything 75% off and so 50% off was "too much" for me to spend.  LOL  I did get a fun hot pink tee and some great work pants at Gap for a total of $15!  The pants alone were originally $59.50, so I was pretty pleased.  Other than that I wasn't too impressed and have decided to wait out for better markdowns in another week or two.  This whole cleaning and organizing thing has also encouraged me to not add a whole lot more to my already too large wardrobe!  I'm thinking I may try to clothing shopping ban like I did for school stuff...  I stuck to that shopping ban quite well!

Did you get any good shopping deals today?

Are you working on school projects over your break?


  1. Hi! I'm a newer follower! I should've gone to Gap today! I found some good deals, but nothing I absolutely needed. I may head to Gap tomorrow! Thanks for the tip! I made myself not do anything work related over the break, but now I'm going to start getting back in gear!

  2. Gap was doing an extra 50% off all markdowns and my store had a pretty good selection. I actually ended up going twice with two different friends, but only bought the two items during trip #2. They had a lot of new arrivals that I had to keep myself away from!

  3. Your to do list sounds just like mine...going into my classroom tomorrow to clean up and start prepping lessons for those state tests!


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