
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wish Listed Items for Spring

I blogged earlier about the new year and my non-resolutions (AKA suggestions).  One of the things I mentioned was not making purchases that aren't really necessary.  Now, understand my love for shopping and a good sale...  I love clothes, I love accessories, and I love home decor.  Tell me not to buy those things and I'd tell you to shut your face.  But, in an attempt to cut down on the clutter and save some extra money for big things, I've decided to set some priorities and goals for things I really want.  I'm trying to cut out the impulse buys and focus on the things that I really want.  I figure if I set aside some money for wants and stick to these goal items, I will hopefully not waste money on things that are just "okay" just because they're a good deal.  I'm hoping to get things that I love that are also a good deal! 

These are all items for me, but rest assured my wish list for school is in the works.  (We get to fill out a wish list every spring and the office and PTA help purchase items for our classrooms.  I'll be sharing that wish list with everyone in the near future!)  I'm sure this list could go on and on if I let it, but I really tried to cut it down to the things that I really like and want.

In true Pinterest addict fashion, I've grabbed some pins to show and tell.
Click the image to be directed the Pinterest and the website it originated from.
  • Vanessa Floral Duvet from Pottery Barn - I love PB, so it really is probably a good thing that the nearest stores are about 2 1/2 hours away from me.  I have a thing for bedding from there and when I saw it in the store I fell in love.  I'm holding out for a sale or some sort of discount.  
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  • Nice brown purse - I've recently become obsessed with the idea that I need a nice brown purse.  I love the Coach one that Tara from Mix & Match Fashion is always rocking, but alas, it's no longer available. I've seen some nice ones from Coach and Fossil, but I'm gonna have to love it (and keep it for years to come) to pay those kinds of prices.  
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  • J.Crew Maritime Dress - This is one clothing item that I really want to add to my closet and may end of being my first wish list purchase.  I've been a little obsessed with it lately.  I'm loving the stripe trend that I keep seeing and I love versatile dresses.  Once again, I'm hoping for a good promo and discount, but this one of the few clothing items I've seen that I really want to have.
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  • Sperry Top-Siders - I live nowhere near a body of water, but I've fallen in love with these boat shoes.  I have yet to decide which pair I want, but I would really like a pair for spring.  A few of the ones I've looked at could be really cute with the dress from J.Crew.
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What are your money saving techniques?  
How do you balance saving money without depriving yourself of things you want?
Do you have any items on your spring wish list?


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