
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Storage Containers Linky Party!

I've mentioned the awesomeness that is the blog Clutter-Free Classroom a few times before and how it's a great resource for those of us who aspire to have wonderfully organized classrooms.  I really don't think my classroom is particularly spectacular in this area, but I do get a lot of comments on how organized it looks.  (I guess it looks better than I perceive it...)

Anyway, Clutter-Free Classroom has been running a series with some linky parties for people to share their own photos.  I'm a little behind on linking up (this one is from about a month ago), but I wanted to link up to share some of my favorite organization tools in my classroom.  This is supposed to be my favorite storage container, but I'm doing my top few because it's hard to choose just one!

This awesome cart was found in the hallway when a teacher retired last year and the new one didn't want it.  I gladly snatched it up!  This is pretty much our community supply command center where the kids know they can grab things that they need.  I love how well it worked for my needs and fit the baskets and bins I already had laying around!

I snatched these book bins at Target about 4 years ago when they first carried them.  They were only $1 each that year, so I pretty much cleaned out every Target in town to get enough for a class set, plus a few extras.  They run $2.50 now (what a price hike!), so I'm happy I bought them then.  I use these for the students' extra supplies so that they don't have as much clutter in their desks.  It doesn't keep their desks in pristine condition, but it does make things better.  Really Good Stuff has some similar bins in some super fun colors, but of course they cost more.  I'd love to get some different colors, but for now, these do the job just fine!

(These pictures were all taken back before school started, so I don't really have supplies in any of these containers...  Oh well...)

I also really love my pink file organizer from Mardel.  I have it hanging on my closet door and keep extra papers that the kids need easy access to:  Reading logs, work station sheets, fluency logs, etc.  It works out really well to have these things in an easy access point for the kids.  I have a smaller black one that I use for my teacher papers and folders that I need to keep handy.  You can find some other colors and patterns here on Mardel's website.

Okay, now it's time to check out all of the other cool organization ideas over at Clutter-Free Classroom!  Click on the icon and follow the link over there!  If you have any of your own awesome organization tools or ideas that you'd like to share, link up with the rest of us and show us what you've got!

Go on!  Click it!  Check out the other awesome links!  :)


  1. I love the pink file organizer! I just awarded you 2 blog awards. Stop by and check it out!

    Lesson plans & Lattes

    1. Hey Becky! I'm a little late on this, but thanks so much for the award! I'm a fan of your blog as well! :)

  2. I am so glad I found your blog! Love the ideas. I am also a third grade teacher. I am a new follower.



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