
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Testing Tuesday: Almost. Done.

I somehow landed a pretty sweet testing schedule this year and was one of only two classes that got to test during the first two weeks at our school.  We have 3 days of reading and 3 days of math, so tomorrow will be my last day of assessments for this year.  (Well, except for a couple students who were in separate settings or that were absent last week.)  I'm super happy to get it over with.  Does anyone else just get to the point where you feel like there's nothing more you can do to help prep the kids?  I usually get to that point about 2/3 of the way through February.  Thankfully, this year the schedule worked in my favor and I don't have to worry about any testing after Spring Break.  I totally prefer it that way!

I don't really have anything much to share with you testing wise this Tuesday.  Like I said, I'm pretty much over it.  I'll probably take a break from sharing testing stuff for a while and maybe come back with another (semi) clever weekly theme.  

To all of you that have students testing over the coming days, weeks, and months I wish you and your students the very best!  I hope everyone's hard work pays off!  


  1. Sooo jealous!! We JUST started today. Six more tests to go after this one now. Margaritas next Thursday!!! Unfortunately, we prep until the verylastpossible minute.

    Congrats! Teaching becomes fun again now!

    Danielle :)


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