
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Week of School?!?

I'm ready for it!

Well, sort of...

One of my big tasks over the past few weeks of having my student teacher in charge was to try to get as ready as I can for the first week of school.  I am happy to say that I have all of my copies made for the activities we do during the first week!  What a relief to have at least that much accomplished!  My beginning of the year plans consist of a lot of basics and getting to know you activities to help the students and I get to know each other.  We don't get into much academic work until the second week, but I do try to insert some light reading and math activities to help me get an idea for where the kids are at.

I'll still need to update my classroom handbook, welcome letter, and a few of those things that are still awaiting finalization, but our copy center will be open all summer and I can submit jobs from my home computer to have copied and sent over to the school!  Yay!  

I've still got a lot of organizing stuff to get done, but I feel like having this copying done will cutoff about a day's worth of work before school starts.  I'm one of those teachers who tries to get stuff done as early as possible and then take the last week or so before school starts to just chill at home or get other errands and stuff done before things get crazy again.  

I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel so much better when I leave my classroom in good order.  I've had a year or two when I feel like things are in chaos when I come back in August (sometimes beyond my control) and it drives me nuts.  I try to do as much as possible to make things as painless as possible when I return.

Anyway, am I the only person like this?  Probably not.  Someone reassure me...  :)

1 comment:

  1. My student teacher has been in full takeover since the third week of January. She is now just giving me back classes as she leaves this week. I wish that I could start making copies for next year, but I don't even know if I'll still be teaching third. Plus, we have to completely pack up our room every year. It kind of makes it hard to stay organized. :( Go you for getting all of your work done!

    Third Grade Sprinkles


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