
Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's the Final Countdown!

As if that song wasn't awesome (or awesomely bad) enough, then one of my all-time favorite TV shows, "Arrested Development" had to go and make it even better.

Unfortunately, YouTube didn't have any great AD clips with this song, so you're just going to have to settle for this freakin' amazing Europe music video!

We're down to just 7 1/2 days of school!  Wow, where has the time gone!?!

We went to a baseball game yesterday and I think it really started to hit me how much I'm going to miss this group of kids.  I've been blessed with a truly wonderful class this year.  They're fun, easygoing, enjoy school, and well-behaved!  Seriously, could I ask for a better class?  I thought I was super lucky last year and then it happened again this year!  

We returned from our baseball field trip with about an hour and a half left in the school day.  The kids were absolutely exhausted!  They asked me for nap time until recess (over an hour), so I gave them about 30 minutes of chill time to rest or read.  It was absolute silence the whole time...  I had to snap a pic because they were so cute!

Tomorrow is Field Day, so it'll be busy with all of those events.  Next week is jam packed with more events, many of which involve the word "party"!  I guess it doesn't really bother me at all since these kids have worked sooooooo incredibly hard this year and they've made so much progress!  They are definitely due for some time of celebration!  :)


  1. Ha! The first thing I thought of was Arrested when I saw your title!! Such a good show...

    Congrats on being almost out of school!! We have quite a bit to go, but that's ok, the heat has been holding off. Have fun with your celebrations!

  2. Right there with you- I can't hear that song without thinking of Gob and Buster! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad


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