
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mother's Day Crafts

Mother's Day is one of those holidays I always forget about until the last minute.  Blame it on the fact that it's the end of the school year and we have about a zillion activities going on right now.  My calendar is full of special events, most of which involve the word "party."

I always seem to lack ideas for Mother's Day gifts.  There was the year of the cookbooks.  I assembled and bound 20 cookbooks.  I had so many kind thank yous for that one, but it was sooooo much work!  I don't think I have the time or patience to embark on that project again.

Then, last year we made the picture tiles.  (You can read about those here.)  Those were really great, but I did those already this year as Christmas gifts.  I've actually run across this craft of mine on Pinterest a few times!

So, now I'm left to figure out an easy, cute, and cheap Mother's Day gift idea that I can hammer out in the next week.  (And by "week" I mean Monday and Tuesday since Wednesday is a baseball game field trip, Thursday is reading training, and Friday is Field Day!)

Pinterest to the rescue!

I'm not sure which, if any, of these I'm going to do.  I need to review these a little more and then see how much this Hobby Lobby trip will set me back.

Here's the best of Pinterest's easy Mother's Day gift ideas...

Slacker teachers like me shall take note!


  1. I LOVE the ideas for mothers day...looking for something this week! I too teach 3rd grade and LOVE it! I can't wait to check out the rest of your blog! Come check and follow my blog at


  2. Thank you for posting my Mother's Day craft!


    Apples and ABC's


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