
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Bucket List Linky Party!

I learned about this linky party at the beginning of the month, starred it on Google Reader, and then completely forgot about it until yesterday when I was going back through my starred items!  Oops!  I wanted to join in on this one since I'm totally one of those teachers that sets a lot of lofty goals for my summer and what I'd like to get accomplished.  I'm really focused on my upcoming move and home-related stuff at the moment, but I know that probably once things start to settle down around the middle of July I'll get motivated to work on things for the upcoming school year again!

The picture below links to the party, so please check it out!

Summer Bucket List

You totally need to check out A Cupcake for the Teacher if you haven't already!  She's got one seriously cute blog with lots of awesome ideas!  

So, here's my bucket list:
  1. Try one new recipe each week.  I'm not a cook and I'm usually pretty unmotivated to do much cooking wise since it's just me.  But, I'm also trying to eat healthier and put to use those many many cooking related pins I've found on Pinterest.  (PS~  This week I've already tried TWO recipes!)
  2. Read at least 3 books.  I know that's not much for some people, but that's about average for me during the summer.  I hit up a pretty sweet 10 for $10 sale at a local used bookstore and grabbed another few at Big Lots recently, so I'd say I'm probably stocked up for the next 5 years at least.  
  3. Plan out my reading themes for the year.  I've made a list of themes and made a spreadsheet for planning, now I just need to combine to two into a rough schedule of the reading themes I plan to do next school year.  From there, my plan is to start looking online for additional books and resources to follow those themes to have the ready.  I'd at least like to get my resource list compiled for the first semester before summer's end, but I know that may be a lofty goal!
  4. Complete a few home decor projects.  I've mentioned my $2 chair before, which I plan to paint along with my nightstand and a couple of old hand-me-down side tables before I move into my new apartment.  I also plan to refresh a few things around my home and treat myself to some new goodies with my garage sale money.
  5. Blog more!  During the school year I set a goal of blogging at least once or twice a week and I feel like towards the end of the year I was really doing a good job at that.  I've actually been posting almost everyday lately, which is really awesome!  I'm going to try to post more of my teaching resources on here to share as well!
  6. Try some new workout classes!  Now that I have my days free (for the most part), I'm looking into trying some new group fitness classes.  I started going to Zumba last fall and have really enjoyed that and would like to try out some more.  Growing up, my mom taught step aerobics classes and it always looked like a lot of fun, so I figure now's a pretty good time for me to try out some new things and freshen up my workout routine!
  7. Print off all of the cool downloads I've found!  My district started a print shop this year, so I can now send things online and have things copied and laminated over there.  Even better, they're open all summer long, so I can send whatever I want online and they'll deliver it to my school and have it waiting for me in August!  
Well, that pretty much covers my bucket list for the summer.  I've got a lot going on, but I'm still going to accomplish a fair amount between now and when we go back to school in August.  I don't think anything I'm setting out to do is going to be terribly strenuous or time consuming...  It's just going to be a matter of sitting down (or getting up) and getting those things done!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I love Zumba too! It looks like The Lovely Bones is in your reading list- I love that book, but parts are really hard to read, just so you know!

    Sounds like you have a plan for a great summer!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad


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