
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Common Core Math & Some Teacher Sales!

Wow! I've survived the first two days of my ten day Common Core math workshop.  I can't say I've gotten a ton out of it so far, but I know that we're just starting the journey.  Yesterday consisted of taking some pre-assessments and looking at the new standards.  Thankfully, for third grade there really isn't a lot of difference in the standards from what we are already teaching our students.  The only major thing that will be part of the assessments that currently isn't is fractions, so we'll just have to teach that earlier than we currently do.  (They actually had pilot CC fraction questions on this year's state assessments, but they didn't count...  But, dang, they were hard for those kids!)  

Next week we'll be sharing some lesson ideas of math activities that align to the new standards.  We're encouraged to use things that we already do and just make any necessary adjustments.  I think I'm going to do a base-10 activity and hope to be able to share more about it on here next week!

Now onto the sales!

It's getting to be that time of year when the Back to School sales start popping up!  I started making lists of things to buy, to make, and to do.  This year's "to buy" list isn't too bad!  (We're getting quite a few new reading items to go along with Literacy First, so I'm not buying a lot of those types of items this year.)  My list consists mostly of items like more library pockets, nametags, and labels.  I did a school survey thing and  got a $35 Wal-Mart gift card so I'm also thinking I may use that to possibly get some new reading corner pillows and some other things to spruce up my room.  

Here are a few current and upcoming sales you might be interested in:

Lakeshore - Free shipping on $79 or more and 20% off select items. 

Mardel - Education Sale is next Thursday, July 19th with 20% off most items.  It doesn't say anything about online, but last year it was the same deal with $5 flat rate shipping.

US Toy - 20% off with their Teacher Reward Card through the 22nd.  This one is in-store only.  (Boo, since I don't live near a location.)

Creative Teaching Press - No sales yet, but usually those come mid-July for a week or so.  They just released their new catalog, though, so it's great for checking out new items!

Target - I've heard rumor that their dollar section is starting to get school stuff in.  My store didn't have anything as of Saturday, but I plan to swing by another one tomorrow afternoon and check it out.  Check out their weekly ads for promos.

I'll try to keep up on any new sales or bargains I run across and do a haul as promised!  


  1. Replies
    1. They have the BEST stuff for centers! I could drop some major $$$ in there!

  2. I just found some great classroom storage at Target's dollar spot yesterday! They also had book bins/magazine files that would be great for Daily 5 if you don't have book boxes yet. They had some really cute stuff and teaching supplies/activities as well. YAY! :)

    I'd love to pass on some bloggy awards to you--stop by my blog!


    1. I hit up Target today and found some goodies! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hey there! I'm giving you the versatile blogger award! Head on over to my website to check it out!

    Thanks for all of the information about the up-coming sales!


  4. Ooo thanks for the head's up about the sales! I had no idea about the Lakeshore one! And I have never heard of Mardel, so I'm about to check out that site, too! (fyi: your Mardel link goes to Lakeshore!) No worries, I still found their site! :)

    EduKate and Inspire
    Come stop by my 100 follower giveaway!

    1. Mardel is really great... The only thing that would make it better is if we had one in town and not 2 1/2 hours away!

      PS~ Thanks for the link info... This is why I shouldn't blog right before bed when I'm completely brain dead! LOL


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