
Monday, July 30, 2012

Meanwhile back in the classroom...

Today was my first day back in my classroom...


The end of my summer vacation is just around the corner.

I was actually quite excited to get back into my room.  I've found a lot of cute goodies this year and brought some items from home when I moved, so I felt like my classroom was in store for a mini makeover.  I also had a lot of Pinterest and blog finds that I had printed, so I had quite a few new posters as well.

I felt like I got a pretty good amount accomplished today and plan to go back again tomorrow.  My goal is to get pretty much everything done this week and then do the last minute stuff once I get my class list.  I really like the way my room is shaping up for this year, but there's still quite a bit still left to do.

I'm crazy exhausted, so tonight is my time to sit, catch up in Google Reader, and maybe start another Pinterest project!

Maybe tomorrow I'll have some pictures to give you all a sneak peek!


  1. Good luck with setting up your classroom!! :) I look forward to seeing some pictures once you have it set up! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I'm heading back in for another day, so I'm going to try to remember to snap a few pics!


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