
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's Back... To Do Tuesday!

I haven't done a To Do Tuesday for quite sometime, so I decided now that the new school year is rolling this would be a good way to hold myself accountable to some of the things I want to get done in the next week.  I'm going to try to make this one pretty short and sweet!

  1. Finish cleaning my apartment - I tackled the clutter and laundry that had accumulated since the craziness of school began again.  (It kind of looked like Pinterest had exploded in here!)  Now I need to get the actual cleaning finished...  Vacuum, dust, mop, etc.  
  2. Finalize my spelling groups for this semester - I won't go into everything that goes into the way we have to do spelling, but I will say it's a pain and I'm looking at having about 4 spelling lists in my classroom.  (*grumbles*)  
  3. Grade my AIMS assessments - If you also do AIMS math tests, you know how (not) fun this is.  I've been putting this off since the online testing window doesn't open until the 1st, so I think this will be what I do on Saturday while I'm enjoying some college football!
  4. Clean out my closet - I cleared out a lot of stuff when I moved a few months ago, but my closet is getting quite tight again and I need to go through it once more and decide if there are some items I can part with.  I have to make way for some new things!
  5. Get my sub stuff ready - I found out last week I'll be missing 4 days of school in September due to various meetings and trainings.  I really hate being gone, but I know that's just what comes with some of the roles I've taken on at school.  Since my favorite regular sub is doing a maternity leave right now and I've got slightly more high maintenance group of kiddos I need to be sure to have my stuff together for my subs!  
What's on your to do list this week?  Anything special you're looking to accomplish?

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