
Monday, September 17, 2012

Nail Polish Swap Reveal

About a month ago I was wandering around the blog world and I stumbled up on a post looking for participants for a nail polish swap.  Now, at the time I was at the end of my nail polish shopping ban, so I was excited to be a part of this swap as a way to get nail polishes.  Plus, it was super fun to get to shop for someone else.  I love shopping (duh!) and I really do love shopping for others just as much as I do for myself.  

I was paired up with the wonderful Cindii who can be found at  (Go check out her fantastic blog!)  I sent her two bottles and she sent me two bottles.  When we signed up for the swap we told something about what we'd like in our nail polishes.  I said glitter!  I think adding a little sparkle is a super easy way to spice up your nail polish or create an accent nail.

Here's what Cindii sent me:


I love these polishes!  I used both almost immediately after I got them, but I didn't even think to take pictures at the time.  I especially love this purple glitter because it's totally perfect for K-State football season!  I'd wanted one almost exactly like this and was planning to buy it after my ban ended, so it was perfect timing as well.  (I believe the brand Pure Ice can be found at Wal-Mart if you're interested in getting these two colors. Sinful Colors has almost an identical purple glitter and I believe there are several other brand that carry a similar clear glitter if you can't track down these exact bottles.)

I want to send a special shout out to Cindii and say THANK YOU for my awesome nail polishes!  You did a perfect job at picking these out and I am so happy that we were paired up together!


  1. I SO would have done this, hate that I missed it! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac

  2. Whew! So glad you like them~ I thought the white glitter would go with anything and you can do a nice frosted look for the holidays. The purple was just a good guess. Haha I thought the sexy darker color would be nice for the change in season. Enjoy!!

  3. These were two great choices for "accenting". Your pics for her were great too - never used Zoya or Orly polishes before - will have to check them out.

    Stopping over from the swap.

  4. i am loving all the glitter swapping I am seeing!! thanks so much for swapping with us!


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