
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

To Do Tuesday

I have to admit I didn't do so hot on completely accomplishing last week's to do list...  I got all of the school-related stuff done, but I didn't really get around to the cleaning out my closet part.  

Keeping this one short and sweet today, here's my to do list for the week:

  1. Plan science and social studies units for the next month or so.
  2. Work on sub plans for the two days I'll be gone next week.
  3. Hook up my new computers in my classroom and get them working so that we can use them!
  4. Workout at least 3 times.
Speaking of working out, our students do a mileage club everyday during lunch recess.  The kids walk laps around the playground and have cards where they keep track of their miles.  Our PE teacher decided to let the teachers track their workout mileage as well.  During the first two weeks I logged 22 miles!  I haven't done any since last Thursday because of my cold and I have a busy week, but I'm hoping to fit in another 10 at least this week.  My class is keeping me accountable, so it's been a fun and motivating way for me to stay on top of my workouts.  

What's on your to do list this week?

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty cool idea to track your miles. I wish I had something like that at my school.

    I don't have much this week. I'm still on vacation.

    Come check out the Etsy giveaway I'm hosting for your chance to win a beautiful crafted necklace.


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