
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm a Winner (and a Slacker)

I've gotta apologize for being such a slacker with my blogging lately.  The beginning of the school year has kinda kicked my butt.  I've been really working on staying on top of everything this school year, so I feel like I've been putting in some extra hours after school so that I don't have a whole lot left to do outside of school.  It's been really nice to rarely worry about doing any extra work at home.  We started our after school tutoring a few weeks ago.  It's Monday through Thursday and adds an extra hour to my work day.  The extra pay is nice and I really have a nice group of kids for it (about 10 each day), but the extra hour really wears me out at times.  I've also missed several days of school for various meetings and trainings, so that's added to my time commitments as well.  I sometimes with I was in a career where it was easy to be gone.  (It's more work to not be at school than to be there!)   One top of that have been literacy consultant observations, meetings, observations for the math grant that I participated in over the summer, and conferences this week.  *whew!*

I've got a few blog posts planned for the coming days and weeks, but it's just going to be a matter of sitting down and writing them.  I feel like I've totally neglected what is blog truly is--  a blog for teachers!  I love posting about clothes, makeup, and shopping as well, but I do want to try to get back into writing more posts related to teaching and provide resources for other teachers.

Now, onto why I'm a winner!

My friend Andi over at Just Another Smith was doing a necklace giveaway and I was her winner!  It's a gorgeous purple and of course I ended up wearing it the day after it arrived in the mail!  I've actually known her since we were babies in the church nursery and it's been super fun being blogging buddies with her.  She posts her outfits each day and I love her style.  We actually own a lot of the same items, but she's got a super creative eye for pairing things up and always comes up with wonderful outfits!  Go over and check out her blog at Just Another Smith.  Go.  Now!

I snapped this pic the day it came in the mail a few weeks ago, but I've actually rocked this necklace a few times since then.  I love the fact that it's purple.  I told someone the other day it's my classy K-State necklace.  I've actually not been a huge purple fan outside of my K-State t-shirt collection until the last couple years.  I'm now finding myself drawn to all sorts of beautiful purple items that don't have a giant Powercat on them!

Well, that's it for now, but be sure to check back tomorrow for a post about some organization in my classroom and a few new sneak peeks into my room!


  1. YAY! I'm glad you got it and like it!

    1. I love it! I'd meant to post about it a few weeks ago when it came, but life just got in the way and I forgot to!


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