
Thursday, November 29, 2012

When I Was In... THIRD GRADE!

I stumbled upon this linky party that's going on over at Second Grade Sparkle...  It's all about reminiscing and sharing about how things were back when we were in the grade we teach now.  How fun is that?!?

Most of my photos and scrapbooks are either in storage or at my mom's house, so I don't really have many photos to share.  

This picture wasn't marked, but I'm guess this was either third grade or fall of fourth grade.  It's pre-braces and I got those sometime in fourth grade, so that's my best guess.  My hair has always been a mess and (obviously) whoever fixed it the day of this picture was not on their A game.  And check out that shoelace barrette!  Oh yeah!  (For reference, I was in third grade during the 1993 - 1994 school year.)

This pic is from Thanksgiving 1993, so fall of my third grade year.  I stole this from my aunt's Facebook page.  

I feel like it was around third and fourth grade I went through my most awkward looking years.  My teeth were horrible and then I got braces, my hair was a mess, and I didn't have that little kid cuteness about me anymore.  

On the positive side, my mom's good friend used to buy me a lot of cute clothes at Dillards and Gap Kids, so I had a pretty great wardrobe.  (Not that either of these pics show that!)  I'm pretty sure that was the beginning of my addiction to shopping at Gap!


I've obviously learned how to fix my hair (on most days) and the braces did me a lot of good!  

Now it's your turn!  Here are the rules:

  1. Post a picture (or two) of you from when you were in the grade you teach (or around there).  
  2. Post a picture of you now! 
  3. Be nice and visit others to comment.

I'll leave you now with a song that totally reminds me of third grade.  I went to a birthday party where the birthday girl got this single (on tape) and we listened to it over and over again all afternoon!

Ace of Base - "The Sign"


  1. Nice!! What a great family picture. I love it! And what a great song - my friends and I used to choreograph dances to that song in our basements... Oh the joys! :) Thanks for linking up!!

    Second Grade Sparkle


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