
Friday, January 4, 2013

Fashion Friday: 2013 Shopping Plan

A lot of the blogs I follow are shopping / fashion related, so there have been tons of posts popping up in my Google Reader with posts about budgeting and shopping plans for the new year.  I've already posted about how I'm not really a resolution person, but I prefer to set goals and look at it as what I want to achieve and not what I don't want to do.

Anyway, I've been linking up with Franziska over at Frannish for a few months now for her Budgeting Bloggers feature and that's been a fun way to not only share my purchases for the month, but also have a little accountability for my spending.  

I enjoy shopping a lot, but have really tried to change some of my habits over the last couple years.  I've actually done a better job in this area and have already been working on a few of these things.

Here are a few goals I want to focus on for the new year.

  • Do my research.  I've really enjoyed doing this as Pinterest and reading blogs have become one of my hobbies.  When I find an item I like and that I would possibly like to purchase I turn to these sites for outfit ideas and reviews.  Seeing things styled on real people helps me better decide if it's worth it for me.  A lot of times I'll just do a simple Google image search and find things that way.  I particularly like doing this with items I can't see in store first (like J.Crew or Loft since we don't have those here) or makeup items to see how people like them.  I few times I've changed my mind about a purchase because of poor reviews or just deciding that it's not for me.  It definitely helps me better decide what I really want and what I can probably live without.
  • Focus on what I already have.  This kind of goes along with doing my research.  I sometimes forget what I already have in my closet and end up with very similar items.  I also need to consider what I already have that will go with new items I want to add to my closet.  If I have to buy a head-to-toe outfit to match something, it may not necessarily be worth it.
  • Buy shoes.  I don't get excited about buying shoes like a lot of girls do.  I have a lot, but in all honesty I've probably purchased only 2, maybe 3 pairs of shoes in the past year.  A lot of my shoes are older, but still in good condition.  The only problem is that they're not all that practical for my everyday life and I need to focus on getting shoes that are!
  • Come up with a more firm budget.  I really haven't set a specific budget for clothing and non-essential makeup.  It's kind of fallen into my "fun money" category, so some months when I have extra cash that's what it ends up going to.  In the next few months I want to set a more firm budget in this area.  I'm not saying I'll deprive myself of spending money when I go on vacation or whatever, but I feel like I've given myself a little too much flexibility with clothing and makeup and some of that fun money could go to other things (or into savings).
Next Friday I'll be sharing my winter-to-spring wish list and a few of the items I'll be looking to purchase in the next few months.  It's actually not a very long wish list, but a few items I've been wanting / needing for a while.

So, do you have a shopping plan for this year?  If so, I'd love to hear what your plan is!


  1. Those are great goals! I have instituted a no shopping goal after cleaning out my closet! I think my goals would be to refashion and restyle things I already have, make a few quality purchases, and make a plan for what I want rather than just using to buy.

    Have you seen the blog Fashion Worship? They have great outfits. I also just search in Google "How to wear..." For example, I searched "How to wear a pleated skirt" and clicked on images. Tons of examples will pop up.

    Fun post!


    1. I love the whole refashion / restyling idea! I've been inspired by so many pictures on blogs and Pinterest and I think that's definitely helped me to become a bit more adventurous with what I wear. There's a great sense of happiness that can come from rediscovering an item that was lost in the abyss of the closet!

  2. Great goals lady! My goal for this year is to buy purposefully - I have the list of items I want, and now focus on buying those. Today I went to DSW to look for suede boots, and even though there were TONS of cute flats I wanted, I told myself that my budget this month is for boots. It really helps for me to have that list now and work towards them. Can't wait to see how this year pans out for you!

    1. Thanks! :) I started banning myself from buying certain items for a month at a time. I wasn't 100% successful every time, but it did force me to look at and focus on buying certain things. The month of buying no shirts / tops was the hardest, but I survived!


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