
Thursday, January 24, 2013

What I Wore To Work

Tara over at Mix & Match Fashion is hosting a "What I Wore To Work" linky today!  I've linked up with her for "Teachers Have Class and Style" a few times, but this time she wanted to open it up to everyone.

Since I don't really have anyone to take pics of me and I don't have a tripod, I decided to have a little a lot of fun with my camera and my mirror.  Just be warned I got a little cheesy.

Sorry these don't show my full outfit, but I can never seem to get good pics from my full length mirror.  The bottom half is pretty dull anyway...  Just dressy black skinnies and black boots (that I don't even think look all that great).  

These are 2 looks that I'd put in the "dressed up casual" category.  They're not super dressy or all that professional, but they're also not completely schlumy and frumpy.  These are the types of outfits you'd find me in on a typical non-jeans day of teaching when I don't have any special meetings or observations.  

I love my denim jacket from Gap.  I wear it to work a lot because it's so versatile and a great layering piece. This one is a nice medium wash that goes with pretty much everything.

This is my new color block tee from J.Crew.  I wasn't so sure about the orange and navy combo, but I actually really love it.  The necklace is from GroopDealz.  

I told  you I had some fun with my camera!

Yes, the sunglasses had to come out.  I'm just that cool.

What I wore to work yesterday:

Sorry this is a little fuzzy, but it's pretty much the only glimpse you get of my pants.  I love this outfit combo!

I was super happy to find this sweater at H&M recently.  I'd totally been itching to pair some black and white strips with my leopard scarves.  

Here's a look at the outfit with my gray leopard scarf.  

Too cool for school.

What I'm wearing to work today:

Gap Leopard Scarves
Mossimo Stretch Ankle Pants

So, I took these pics yesterday...  I woke up to get ready for work only to discover I had no running water in my apartment!  Ugh!  (Some sort of pipe burst in my neighborhood.)  I couldn't take a shower or anything, so I had to prep myself as best as possible without running water.  My hair isn't at its finest, but not horrible either.  Thank God for headbands and ponytails!  

Come back tomorrow for my Fashion Friday post on my fashion fails!  


  1. You are adorable! I linked up with Tara today too. I LOVE that tee! I need more stripes in my life - may have to go buy that!

    1. Ha ha! Thanks! I'm super excited to check out everyone else's posts today! :)

  2. I love your stripes! Thanks so much for linking up with me today!

    1. Thanks, Tara! I'm happy you hosted this link up!

  3. Replies
    1. Sometimes you've just gotta have fun and be a dork!

  4. haha you are so cute. I love that top (stripes: always and forever). I love that you don't take it all to seriously :)

    1. Thanks, Fran! I was in a goofy mood (being around 13 3rd grade boys all day does that to me) and I decided just to let loose and have some photo fun!


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