
Friday, March 15, 2013

Fashion Friday: Shopping Plan Review

Back in January I posted about my shopping plan and goals for 2013.  I figured with almost 3 months behind  us I'd revisit my goals and update you on how I'm doing.

Do my research - I feel like my number of impulse buys has been cut down quite a bit, not only since January, but just in the past year or so.  I very rarely buy anything without doing research first, whether it be look for outfit ideas online or look for other similar items that might be a better price.  If I find myself thinking about an item for a period of time, it's usually a worthy purchase.  My shopping is more calculated and planned now.

My colorblock tees were something I'd wanted for over a year!
Focus on what I already have - I've been making a point to wear some of my lesser worn items in my closet.  I've got some really great items that are just lost in the mix.  I've been trying to mix new purchases with older items to keep things fresh.

Already had the scarf and let Pinterest inspire a new outfit combo!
Buy shoes - I've purchased 2 pairs of shoes so far this year!  That's pretty good for me!  As spring comes I'm going to weed through my sandal collection and toss ones that are falling apart.  My focus will be on updating and upgrading some of my summer footwear.

Image via TOMS

My new TOMS!  Perfect for spring!
Come up with a more firm budget - My budget as of right now for clothing, accessories, nail polish, and makeup is about $150 a month from my regular income. I feel like January and February were a bit heavy on spending, but overall I also allowed myself a little flexibility since I had some extra income and tax refund money.  I'm definitely trying to tighten things up a bit more this month.  Participating in Budgeting Bloggers has made me think about each purchase I make and encourages me to keep a running total of my spending.

How have you done with your shopping goals for 2013?  Please share your successes (or failures)!

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