
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

To Do Tuesday: Spring Break Edition

Ahhh spring break...  I love being able to celebrate the end of state assessments with a week off of work.  We actually get Good Friday and the Monday following Easter off as well next week, so I'm doing very little work right now.  (Of course I am doing a little fill-in at my part-time job right now, but I still consider this a break.)

I've slacked on my To Do Tuesday posts over the past month or so, but I wanted to share what I have on my to do list for my days off!

  • Get some spring cleaning done around the house.  I get my place immaculately cleaned and then end up trashing it again as soon as the work week starts.  I try to do a little clean up each night, but sometimes that doesn't happen.  I also want to get some hard core deep cleaning done as well.
  • Make lesson plans and sketch out units for the rest of this school year.  Now that assessment season is over I can get back to real teaching!  I'm super excited for some of the units and novel studies that we do at the end of the year!
  • Get my workout on!  I have majorly slacked on working out over the past month.  I was sick with the never-ending cold from hell for almost 4 weeks.  Ugh!  This body needs to get in shape for summer clothing because these arms and legs aren't ready to get shown off anytime soon!
What's on your to do list this week?  

If you're on spring break, are you trying to be productive, going on vacation, or taking time for relaxation?

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Great list, similar to my plans for this week! You should link up with the Spring Break Bucket List to share your to do list.


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