
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

To Do Tuesday

Has anyone else started feeling super duper busy with the beginning of school coming up?  I somehow ended up skipping last week's post, so I won't really go over my previous goals.  I spent much of last week working on my classroom and was scheduled for A LOT of hours at my part-time job.  

School starts exactly a week from today.  I'm going in for a meeting and to work on my classroom today, but I "officially" go back tomorrow.  My classroom is 90% done, but what's left to do now is the less visible stuff...  Labeling my new storage tubs, reorganizing my classroom library, and trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to make room for 6 more desks!  (This will be my biggest class ever!)

  • Tackle my school to do list.  This list is literally 3 pages long!  It's a lot of little things that I need to get done by next Tuesday when school starts.  This will be the biggest time suck in the next week,
  • Complete 10 miles in my workouts.  I set another 50 mile goal for August and as of right now I am only 5 miles in.  It's going to be more of a challenge this month with school starting, but once school actually starts next week and I get on a regular schedule, it should be easier to get in the rest of my miles.
I'll leave you today with some random You Tube goodness.  Two wonderful videos I've recently fallen in love with.

"Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke with Jimmy Fallon and The Roots

"Hopeless Wanderer" by Mumford & Sons
(Watch for my celeb crush!)

What's on your back to school to do list?



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! There's two other consignment/resale shops in my town, and I've heard even worse things about one than I have about Plato's (mostly that the people who work there are so stuck up, but in a "you're not hipster enough for us" way). I brought some non-mall stores the first time around to the third place and they refused everything, or offered me $1 for pieces I was hoping to get at least $4 for. Thanks for the advice!

    1. Oh, and I hope you are able to get some things checked off your to-do list. Mine is so overwhelming-- I can't believe the first day of school is right around the corner!


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