
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Autism Resources

I've become increasingly interested in Autism this year...  I have a student with Autism in my class.  I really wasn't sure what to expect at first, but if I've learned one thing this year it's that there are so many sides to ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders).  The student in my class has come a loooong way even in just the past year or two.  He doesn't fit what I had painted in my mind as what a student with ASD would be like.  He's a very loveable and social child, who I've found very easy to relate to.  I know it hasn't always been this way for him, but he's been blessed with great family and teachers to help him get to this point.  Not everyday is a walk in the park, but we've had a really great school year together!

I wanted to share a few resources I've found...  I know that in my school is seeing a greater number of students on the spectrum and that the goal is to have these kids in the regular ed classrooms as much as possible.  

Source: via Kim on Pinterest

This is a neat pin I found on Pinterest. It's a great summary and overview for teachers.

Here are some other cool websites I've stumbled across:   - This one is good to help you explain Autism to your students.

I hope to share more findings and resources as I stumble upon them.  Have a great Saturday!  :)

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