
Saturday, April 28, 2012

End-of-the-Year Linky Party!

I know for a lot of us the school year is wrapping up soon...  We only have about three weeks left!  I really can't believe this school year is almost over!  It's flown by and really has been a great year.  We've gone through a lot of change in my building over the past year, but it's all turned out well and I'm excited for next year to get rolling!  (After a nice, relaxing summer break of course!)

Clutter-Free Classroom is hosting another great linky party about the end of school.  You all know how much I love a linky!  :)

Here's the link to the Clutter-Free Classroom blog!  

I decided to be an overachiever and answer all three blog post prompts!  


I think my biggest tip is to start on things early.  Doing a little big of organizing, prep, and cleaning in the weeks leading up to the end of school really help me not get overwhelmed when the last week finally arrives.  I know some schools frown upon this, but I also let the kids get involved as well.  My students love getting special jobs around the classroom and it also helps to speed up the process.  

I also try to get a few things ready and prepped for the next school year.  After 5 years I have my first week of school plans pretty much memorized, so I've already sent off my first week activity copies and have those ready to go for next year.  I've also already made a few posters that I wanted to have done so that they're ready to go in August.  I'm anticipating a busy summer this year, so I'm trying to do whatever I can to not have to work on those things this summer.


I really enjoy celebrating our accomplishments for the school year...  We have AR parties, assessment parties, and other celebrations for the kids' hard work.  One tradition we've always had is a big third grade ice cream party.  We setup tables outside on the playground and have a huge buffet of ice cream and toppings.  A lot of grade levels do an end-of-the-year field trip, but we usually opt to stay at school and do our ice cream party (followed by an extra long recess)!  


My summer is going to consist of moving and hopefully working part-time to help speed of the saving to buy a house.  On top of that I'm going to do a two day ESL workshop and a two week Common Core math workshop, both of which will get me some money, credit hours, and some new knowledge!  Other than that I'll enjoy relaxing at home with my TV, Netflix, and my stack of new books!  (I hit a 10 for $10 sale at a used bookstore yesterday!  That stack will probably last me 5 years or more!)  My roommate is getting married in July (hence why I have to move), but I'm super excited to have two of my best friends come to town for the wedding!  I have a feeling summer is going to fly by, but hopefully it'll be a good one!  

Now it's your turn to head over to Clutter-Free Classroom and join in on the party!  Tell us about what your summer and how you get ready for the end of the school year!

1 comment:

  1. I love your reading selections! I have read every single one except the top one (Four Blondes). Have you read Cecelia Ahern or Jodi Picoult? I highly recommend them, too. Your EOY activities sound much like mine! I, too, have 3 weeks left and at times feels too long and other times like there isn't enough time. Enjoy your last few weeks!


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