
Friday, October 26, 2012

Fashion Friday: {P}inspired Looks

I haven't done a Fashion Friday post in a while, so I thought I'd whip one up for today.  I love fall weather and fall clothes.  I could live in cute sweaters if the weather allowed.

I thought I'd share some of my favorite Pinterest outfits for the cooler months.  My outfits board is nearing 1,000 pins!  I can definitely say that Pinterest and blogging has made me a bit more adventurous in my outfits.  I'd say my style is trendy-classic.  I like buying basics that will go from season to season and year to year, but I like to add in trendy touches with color and accessories.

So, here you have a few of my favorite {P}inspirations... If you want to pin these onto your own boards, please click the picture to go to Pinterest. None of the these were mine originally and I want the pins to be linked back to the original sources if possible!

Source: via Conolley on Pinterest

#1 - I have pretty much all of the makings of this identical outfit... The sweater, the purse, the black skinnies. I think black and pink is a color combo that works year-round and will always work with the trends.

#2 - This photo made me totally run out and look for a leopard scarf.  Guess what I'm wearing today?!?  Now, if only I could find that just right striped top.

#3 - A maxi dress is a great option for wearing a dress during cooler weather months.  I wear my denim jacket about once a week, so the dress / jacket combo is one I rock pretty often.

#4 - This pic was from a Gap ad back in the winter when they started carrying cute, colorful stuff again.  I'm beyond excited that Gap has been consistently coming out with cute clothes again this year.  (My bank account may disagree, though!  LOL)  I bought that pink blazer with my birthday coupon, but I haven't worn it again since it's cooled off, so this photo totally inspired me to bust that one out again.

#5 - I think my favorite thing about this pic is that it's pretty much color blocking at its very simplest.  Bright sweater + bright scarf = Cute outfit.  I have tons of sweaters and snagged some nice basic solid colored scarves like that last winter at the grocery store (of all places)!  I love how the two colors pop!

How does Pinterest inspire you?  Do you find yourself creating Pinterest-inspired looks?

1 comment:

  1. I L-O-V-E the leopard print and striped combo! I would never think to pair those things but they just work!


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