
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm a Winner! (Diet & Exercise Update)

I posted about my school year diet and exercise tips a few months ago when school first started.  (If you missed it, check it out here.)  I feel a lot better when I'm not eating crap and I'm working out on a regular basis.  I'll admit, it's pretty hard after working a long day at school, but I feel so much better when I make fitness a priority.  I have a lot more energy for the school day and tend to sleep better at night.  

Our students walk two laps (1/2 mile) each day during their noon fitness (lunch recess) time.  The kids keep track of their mileage on a walking card and earn charms for every 10 miles they walk.  It's pretty awesome to see how motivated they are to increase their mileage and compete between grade levels and classes.  

The teachers did a mileage club as well and we tracked our own workout miles for the first 9 weeks.  I'm excited to announce...


Yup, I walked / worked out the most miles of any staff member for the first 9 weeks of school!  I really didn't increase my current workouts by a whole lot, but it was a fun way to keep me motivated.  My class kept me accountable and would encourage me to be sure to go workout after school!  

My total mileage for the first 9 weeks of school was 83 miles!  

I'm shooting for 100+ miles for the second 9 weeks, so we'll see how that goes.  It gets a little harder when it gets dark earlier and the cold weather hits, but I hope that I stay motivated toward this goal.  I try to fit in 5-7 miles on the treadmill or elliptical each workout (about an hour to an hour and a half) and I try to make it to the gym at least 3 or 4 days during the week.  I'm also trying to get back into going to Zumba on Monday evenings.  I've noticed my clothes are fitting a bit more loosely and I've dropped about 5 pounds.  I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, but that is an added bonus!  

How are you doing staying fit this school year?  
Do you have any tips on staying in a good diet and workout routine as we near the winter months?


  1. Congrats! It is so hard for me to drag myself to the gym, but you're right, it does make me feel better! Good luck with your new goal!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Wow!!83 miles?! Thats really good. Congratulations...As I was driving home today I was thinking that I should work out (I've been thinking that everyday) but as I was reading your post I was eating a haagen daaz ice cream bar :/ .It was a scorching hot day today here but I know that isn't an excuse. I really give you credit..I go in and out of workout phases but it's nice to have somebody encouraging you and keeping you accountable :D I hope you post more about your progress..hopefully I can find some motivation from you :) HEY! We should do some kind of blogger workout club or linky!! That'd be fun and awesome..


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