Friday, August 3, 2012

It's that time again... August Currently!

August is here and the beginning of the month means it's time to link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for Currently!  Don't you love her mustache theme going on here?!?  

I'm down to my last couple days before inservices.  I've been making a few last minute appointments and finishing up back to school shopping today!  I don't really have any plans for the weekend, so it'll be nice to have some time to relax.  I'm feeling pretty good about everything I've accomplished right now and aren't too terribly stressed out about starting school quite yet.  I feel pretty ahead of the game, so my focus right now is to catch up on things at home and work on little school tasks as they come.  



  1. I agree with needing a new outfit (or ten)! :) I'm heading out for our tax free weekend tomorrow & taking advantage of some sales!!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Lucky! Kansas doesn't do a tax free weekend, but Oklahoma and Missouri do, so had I been smart I would have planned a trip out of town to take advantage!

  2. Hi! I linked up with Farley's August Currently just before you, so I'm stopping by to say hi! I'm glad to have found your blog - I also teach third grade, so I'm always on the look out for other third grade ideas! :)

    Yay Third Grade


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